Why Not Calling Men Is An Essential Dating Rule

As women, when we meet a man we click with, we don’t want him to slip through our fingers. If we’ve had a great time, and he said he’d call and days go by with no news, it’s tempting to call him. Unless he has specifically asked you to be the one to contact you, don’t let this urge get the best of you. There’s a reason so many people suggest not calling men. If you make the mistake of calling, it can actually change the entire course of the future of the relationship.

Regardless of what you hear about men who love aggressive women, deep down they still want to be the one to chase. If the two of you are dating and you get the feeling that he’s as interested in you as you are in him, give him some time to call you back. Many men test the women they are interested in by not calling right away. Men want to gauge how desperate you are by intentionally not calling. If you take the bait and call him the day after the date, he will find you much less attractive. If a week goes by and there’s still no word from you, it will call and call until you answer or reply to its voicemail.

Not calling men is also very helpful if you are already in a relationship. Most relationships fall into predictable patterns from the start. If you and your boyfriend have gotten to a point where you’re the one making most of the calls, things won’t change unless you take matters into your own hands. Many women think that simply by telling their boyfriend that they want him to call, he will do it. He probably won’t. You need to change what you are doing to alter his behavior. The easiest thing you can do to correct the problem is to stop calling it as often as you have. This requires a lot of willpower, but once you start it, it doesn’t take long for it to respond. If he doesn’t hear from you, he will start calling you to find you. Keep it up and before long he’ll be calling you much more than you call him.

Instead of just taking the phone for granted and calling the man in your life whenever you feel like it, take the time to think about that action. Even though it may seem innocent enough to call you to touch base, it can have repercussions that will change your relationship.

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