William Shatner – What are you doing these days?

Many generations of the world remember him today in his stellar performance as Captain James Kirk. He is a household name to Star Trek fans around the world, with his multiple appearances in the colossal film franchise. While it may be true that his time in the Star Trek saga is over, he remains popular with people who have followed his sixty-year career. Chris Pine may have replaced him in the 2009 movie version, but the original never seems to forget. We’re talking about the excellent actor, funny comedian, and amazing author of William Shatner.

William Shatner remains very active despite being in his seventies. His acting resume is truly one of the best out there. He has numerous acting awards, including two Emmys and a Golden Globe. He has shown that he is not a one-dimensional actor who is limited to his role in the Star Trek franchise. He has appeared on several successful television series, including The Practice and Boston Legal. He is currently keeping himself busy writing and becoming the voiceover for the Star Trek games.

Aside from these various activities, he has dabbled in other forms of literature and acting. He has shown that his progress is not limited to the big screen and television. He is a very effective and funny comedian. His wit and quick banter make him a people’s favorite. The funny side of him can easily make crowds forget that he is the serious main character of the Star Trek saga for many years. Apart from that, he has made poems that aroused the attention of the world. One of his famous poems focused on the controversial Sarah Palin. This talent in writing has a long history that is well documented. As early as 1989, Shatner wrote the inspiration behind the hit television series Tekwar.

Currently, he has two movies waiting to be finished and released. Horrorween is one of them, focusing on the instant rise to fame of a couple of high school students who, while doing a science project, accidentally created a cheap internet browser and a computer system that doesn’t crash. The entire family of students instantly become billionaires, and their story goes on to portray the family’s love of pranks, which develops the plot of the film deeper and deeper as the film progresses.

Another movie William Shatner is busy with is Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey. This is a project that is closest to Shatner’s heart because it very much mirrors his Star Trek projects. The film tells the story of Dave, a young photon, who is forced to leave the sun, forcing him on a journey that makes him discover many things about himself and life in general.

William Shatner really isn’t done entertaining the world yet. His works in television, comedy, writing and the big screen will amaze and amaze the whole world, as he always has fifty years ago.

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