How can I cancel my Jerky of the Month Club subscription?

How can I cancel my Jerky of the Month Club subscription?

Get a curated selection of high-quality, craft beef jerky delivered monthly. Choose a plan that fits your lifestyle, starting at two bags of premium artisan jerky shipped monthly. Give the gift that keeps on giving. Each shipment is a reminder of just how much you care. During checkout, you can add your own personalized gift note to be included with each delivery.

You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Give them the gift that keeps on giving with our award-winning jerky of the month club. They’ll receive a curated selection of top-quality beef jerky every month, delivered right to their doorstep. Plus, you can customize their experience by adding a personalized gift note at checkout.

We offer 3, 6, and 12-month clubs along with monthly and every-other-month shipping so you can choose the perfect option to fit your recipient’s schedule and budget. Each box contains two bags of premium artisan jerky from the best jerky makers in the country.

Whether they’re a seasoned jerky fan or just starting their adventure, our subscriptions are sure to satisfy any appetite. They’ll enjoy new flavors and discover new artisan brands with a simple click of a button. They’ll also get access to subscriber pricing on all shop orders and can cancel or skip their monthly shipment at any time. During checkout, you can select a gift note to be included with each shipment for free.

Subscriptions automatically renew.

Our subscriptions automatically renew on the day that your billing period ends (monthly or yearly). You can cancel your subscription at any time, but your cancellation will not take effect until the end of the current billing period.

When you give a jerky subscription as a gift, you can add a personalized note that will be printed and emailed to the recipient letting them know who sent it. This is a great way to let them know you care!

It’s important to keep in mind that, even if you cancel your subscription, the company might still charge you. That’s why it’s good to watch your credit or debit card statements and keep a record of any conversations you have with customer service about your cancellation. If the company doesn’t stop charging you, you can file a dispute with your credit or debit card company. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for any renewal notices you might receive.

You can skip a month.

Give the gift that keeps on giving with a jerky of the month club subscription! Available as a 3, 6, or 12-month prepaid subscription, this is the perfect gift for any jerky lover. We even include a full-color, ready-to-print gift card that you can add a personal message to during checkout.

Elevate their snacking game with a delicious curation of top-quality, handcrafted beef jerky from artisan jerky makers across the country. Choose your box size and delivery frequency to fit your lifestyle.

Enjoy a new mix of flavors every month with this jerky subscription box. With a variety of options, including savory, sweet, and spicy, you can tailor the experience to your taste. Plus, you’ll get access to subscriber pricing on all shop orders. Sign up for this jerky subscription box today to start your membership or give the perfect gift. We ship your first order right away and then deliver monthly, based on the schedule you choose.

You can change your subscription.

Jerky lovers get a monthly shipment of premium, handcrafted beef jerky from artisan jerky makers across the country. Choose from three, six, or 12-month subscriptions with different box sizes and delivery frequencies. Plus, add a gift note for a custom touch!

Give the gift that keeps on giving. A recurring membership of the award-winning Jerky of the Month Club is a great way to surprise and delight your loved ones all year round.

This subscription package includes two 3.25-oz packages of jerky (Ranch Cut) each month. It’s the perfect snack for road trips, camping, hunting, and everyday life. Plus, it’s a great way to support small-town artisans who put their heart into every batch of their craft. Gift this to the jerky lover in your life or treat yourself! Choose from a variety of flavors to try each month. You can cancel or change your subscription any time.

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