Medicinal benefits of raw chocolate and cocoa

Medical professionals, nutritionists, and other professionals concerned with human health now promote raw cacao as a beneficial food. Even more powerful in its positive effects on the human body than chocolate, raw cacao offers a rare and delicious way to boost personal wellness.

What is raw chocolate?

Have you ever thought where chocolate comes from? It grows on trees! That’s right, cacao beans, which are the source of all chocolate, are grown on a plant called Cacao Theobroma, which literally means “the food of the gods.” Originally from the Amazon, the Cacao Theobroma plant is now cultivated throughout the world.

Cacao Theobroma grows cacao beans which are relatively large seed pods that contain concentrated nutrients and other compounds that we use to make chocolate today. Cocoa beans are naturally unsweetened and consist of 12 to 50 percent fat, depending on growing conditions and the variety of plant being grown.

Many now promote raw cacao or raw chocolate as a superfood. For example, raw cacao contains high concentrations of protein, calcium, phosphate, and other minerals that have been shown to have beneficial effects on tooth enamel. Who would have thought that chocolate could protect our teeth! But there are plenty of other nutritional benefits to eating raw cacao, especially if it’s grown organically.

Why eat raw organic chocolate?

Raw chocolate or cocoa contains a long list of unique properties and beneficial minerals that can really help improve your health. In addition to making you happier and more positive, raw cacao can focus your attention and make you more alert. Just like regular chocolate, it can also make you feel like you’re in love.


Known as the “bliss” chemical, anandamide is a neurotransmitter that has been isolated from raw cacao. It is produced naturally in the brain and makes you feel happy and lively. Additionally, cocoa contains enzyme inhibitors that suppress your body’s ability to break down anandamide, meaning this chemical will stay in your brain longer, increasing the time you experience the positive feelings associated with this chemical.


Just like regular chocolate, raw cacao contains powerful antioxidants. These chemical compounds are key to fighting free radicals in our bodies that can lead to diseases like cancer and heart attacks. The antioxidant flavonoids found in cocoa and chocolate have also been shown to lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

These benefits are found in products that contain high levels of cocoa solids. In fact, some studies point to higher levels of antioxidants in raw chocolate than in fruits, vegetables, tea, and even wine. Therefore, dark chocolate is the best source of antioxidants of all the varieties of prepared chocolate, but raw cacao contains even higher levels of these beneficial antioxidants.


This is another aphrodisiac amino acid that is said to help build muscle and aid in recovery from exercise. It is about 33 percent more concentrated in raw cacao.

caffeine and theobromine

Cacao may also have stimulant compounds such as caffeine and theobromine (a chemical related to caffeine), although these levels are relatively low because raw cacao has limited potency of these chemicals. These subtle amounts of stimulants can increase energy, improve alertness, and improve mood, and they come in very small doses: around 70mg per 100g of cocoa.


According to some, raw cacao is the main dietary source of magnesium, which is apparently one of the minerals that Americans are often deficient in. According to the Standard American Diet, close to 80 percent of all Americans have low magnesium levels! This deficiency may be the reason why women crave chocolate during their menstrual periods (menstruation depletes magnesium stores).

Magnesium is an important mineral for balancing brain chemistry, building strong bones and muscles, aiding sleep, and fighting depression. Magnesium is also essential for a healthy heart and supporting a robust cardiovascular system. Raw cocoa contains about 131 mg of magnesium per 100 g of cocoa.

Monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (appetite suppressants)

MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors) are likely responsible for reducing appetite when people eat raw chocolate. MAO is found in most nuts and seeds and can help increase serotonin levels and neurotransmitter activity in the brain. These further promote weight loss naturally and facilitate the feeling of youthful regeneration.


Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a chemical related to the adrenal glands that is found in raw cocoa and can also be created in the brain when we are in love. Raw chocolate is an excellent source of PEA and may play a role in increasing concentration and alertness. It will also help lift people out of feelings of depression.

serotonin and tyramine

These two compounds provide a calming effect on a person, giving raw cacao a balancing effect on mood and brain function. In general, 100g of raw cacao will contain around 3mg of serotonin and 2mg of tyramine.


An amino acid that enhances relaxation and promotes sleep (you know that sleepy feeling you get after a Thanksgiving meal? That’s tryptophan!), this chemical is found naturally in raw cacao. In fact, it can have up to 33 percent more than regular chocolate.

Possible disadvantages of raw chocolate

Possible weight gain

As we already mentioned, raw cacao beans contain up to 50 percent fat, making them a high-calorie food. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the intake of raw chocolate to avoid potential weight gain.

toxic to pets

Chocolate is a known toxin to pets, but raw chocolate has an even higher risk of harming your animal companions. In general, the higher the concentration of raw cocoa, the greater the risk of injury to animals. Therefore, keep your raw chocolate products out of reach of your beloved pets.

triggered by migraine

Some believe that raw cacao (as well as some chocolates) can trigger migraines. If you are prone to this health problem, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consuming large amounts of raw cacao.

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