The 2012 Mayan prophecy heralds the end of the age of Pisces, not the world


2012 is here and we need a simple methodology to protect ourselves from the powerful energies that are flooding the Earth at this time.

That’s all it is. Energy. Everything is energy. You are energy, I am energy. God (whoever you believe in) is energy.

The Maya knew this, as did most ancient religions, that they flourished before monotheism swept them into oblivion.

When the Maya talk about the end of the world, they were not talking about the end of the physical world as you and I know it.

They spoke of the end of the energetic world that manifested the Age of Pisces and all its physical, mental and emotional components.

We are now in a new era. The Age of Aquarius and we are ruled by a new planetary ruler, Uranus.

The energy that all humans on the planet will feel will be a new energy. It will be a very powerful energy. It will be both a cleansing energy and a consciousness raising energy.

The Mayans, who were brilliant astrologers, knew that when the planet moves from one great 2,000-year cycle to another, the physical manifestations of the old cycle die. It is the end of the world for the Age of Pisces.

It has happened many times before.

The Age of Aquarius will create a great shift in consciousness. Nothing will stay the same. We cannot do business in the same materialistic way.

The new energy that is poured onto the planet will be a mental energy and this mental energy will propel everyone to a higher spiritual state.

Well, not all. There are three groups of people on the planet Those who have no interest in God or spirituality who are focused on the belly and sexual chakras. They will be the most affected. The new energies will increase what they do. More sex, drugs, unconscious behavior. When it reaches critical mass inside each of them, they will be painfully ejected from the planet.

This is the separation of the wheat and the chaff.

The vast majority who try to do the right thing, the good housewives, will fall under the constant pressure of this new spiritual energy. If they are wise, they will pay attention to the voices that come from within and follow a more spiritual path and save themselves from destruction.

Then there are the wisdom seekers, a very small majority (5-10%) who will be empowered by this new spiritual energy and become the new wise leaders for the next 2000 years.

This is where humanity is now. This is the End Times that the Mayans spoke of. This is the kali yuga, the revelations and all other end time scenarios that are talked about.

It has happened many times before. Earth cannot be destroyed. It has been here for millions of years and will continue to be here for millions of years.

The only things that can be destroyed are the different waves of humanity that use Earth as their temporary home.

It is time for all of us to get out of the one inch square box we have been forced into by the churches and the government who want to keep us in the dark as to our true reality and destiny.

You don’t have to believe a word I’m saying. But look at all the decay around you. We are really living in the land of Sodom and Gomera. Only instead of an avenging angle coming to clean up the mess, more powerful higher energies called the Age of Aquarius will. I don’t know all the answers to survival except this one.

Become more spiritual and less materialistic. Go within and stop looking outside for answers.

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