Waiting for your boyfriend to call? dating advice for women

Sitting around and patiently waiting for your boyfriend to call is admirable and counterproductive. It’s something we’ve all done though. Our guy says he’ll call to make plans with us, so we wait, and wait, and wait. He doesn’t call when he says he will. A few hours go by, we get frustrated so we call him and scold him. Does this sound familiar? It’s a big mistake that women make every day.

If your boyfriend says he’ll call at a certain time and he doesn’t, you shouldn’t answer. If you’re waiting for your boyfriend to call an hour or two after the scheduled time, you’re wasting your time. It would be much better to use that time to hang out with friends and have fun. Every time you put your life on hold waiting for a man you are sending him a very clear signal that he is more important than you. Even if you feel like he is, never let him know. He will change the entire dynamic of your relationship and before you know it, he will take you for granted.

Men will make you wait if they know you are willing to. Sometimes they will also test you to see how you will react if they don’t call when they say they will. Most women will be upset, for good reason. If you do the opposite and pay little attention to the fact that you have been waiting for your boyfriend’s call, he will be confused and intrigued. Men expect women to overreact. They expect women to hang on to their every word and they also expect women to put their lives on hold for them. If you don’t do any of these things, you’ll be different from any other woman I’ve ever dated. You’ll stand out, her interest will immediately renew, and she’ll definitely start calling when you say she will.

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