Warning your teens about drugs and alcohol – Honesty

Worried about your teen using drugs and alcohol? Have you taken the time to discuss the dangers of substance abuse with them? Do you find yourself wondering if they have considered or already experimented with drugs and alcohol? Are you having a hard time finding a way to start an open and honest dialogue about the issue? You are not alone.

Drug and alcohol use is one of the main concerns among parents of adolescents. The influence to experiment is everywhere, and most of the pressure comes from your inner circle. Warning your teens about drugs and alcohol is an honest conversation. So how do you go about this?

To be prepared

Before you have a conversation with your teen, you need to prepare yourself for several things. First, prepare to be brushed. Conversations that teens consider “too deep” are often met with resistance. Explain that the conversation is mandatory. They do not have the option to unsubscribe.

Also, prepare yourself by knowing what you want to say and what questions you want to ask. Start by building trust and security. Let your teen know that there will be no consequences for anything shared during the conversation. The most important thing is to be prepared to listen to anything.

encourage honesty

The overall goal of the conversation is to be able to honestly discuss the dangers of drugs and alcohol. To do this, parents have to encourage honesty in their children. If your teen is willing to share an experience she’s had with drugs and alcohol, don’t greet it with a disappointed look. Instead, tell them a personal story of your own. This is the perfect opportunity to open the door to future conversations.

Be careful not to exhibit negative reactions. Avoid making derogatory comments about friends that may come up in the examples they share. Remember, teens are also at a point in life where pushing parental buttons is almost second nature. The more you try to discourage something, the more they are encouraged to do it. That includes dating people they’re sure you don’t approve of.

Get to the point

It will be hard enough to get your teen to sit still long enough to hear what you have to say. Don’t prolong it by hitting around the bust. Get to the point. Also, don’t sugarcoat the information. Honestly discuss with them the effects drugs and alcohol can have. Use examples they can relate to, such as celebrity deaths and addiction, or someone they may have known personally.

Keep the conversation short but informative. Don’t bombard them with statistics. Those are numbers they don’t care about. Talk to them in a casual tone. You’re not just his father. At the moment, you want to be seen as one of his best friends.

Wrap it up

End the conversation by setting expectations. Although there were no consequences for past indiscretions, tell them about the consequences of any other. Make it clear where you stand and how you will handle any future drug or alcohol use cases. Under no circumstances should your teen be given the impression that the behavior will go unpunished.

Warning your teen about drugs and alcohol is serious work. They will argue that they already know and have heard everything. Explain to them how important it is for them to hear from you so that they know that he did what was required of him as a parent. In the end, you’ll be glad you did, and they’ll be grateful to have a parent who cares as much as you do.

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