4 easy steps to make cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is an aromatic spice, which is considered very useful for human health. This sweet-tasting spice is available in the form of hard sticks, as it is derived from the inner barks of some medicinal trees. Cinnamon is known to be effective in reducing blood sugar, cholesterol, and excess body weight; While it is also used as a successful home remedy to improve heart health and the body’s immune system, as well as to prevent Alzheimer’s disease or other similar types of brain damage.

Cinnamon tea is consumed by many health conscious people as a healthy drink, which is also favored for its rich taste. So, here are some simple steps to make a cup of hot cinnamon tea.

Ingredients: The main ingredients for making cinnamon tea are cinnamon sticks or powder, tea bag, sugar or sweetener, milk (optional), lemon juice (optional), black pepper powder (optional), and water.

The 4 steps to making cinnamon tea:

Boiling cinnamon in water: First, a concoction is prepared by boiling a fresh cinnamon stick in water for 10 to 15 minutes and then the resulting liquid is filtered through a strainer. If using a form of cinnamon powder, then this powder should be added to the boiling water and mixed well, and set aside for a few minutes, so that the cinnamon powder dissolves well in the hot water.

Mix this concoction with more hot water – some of the water is boiled separately to make tea, in a frying pan or in an electric kettle. Then this hot water is mixed with the previously prepared cinnamon concoction in the ratio of 3: 1, directly into a cup of tea and mixed well with a spoon.

Dip the teabag in this mixture: a teabag is placed in the cup and allowed to soak in this mixture of cinnamon brew and hot water, for a minimum of 2 to 3 minutes, until the liquid turns dark brown .

Add sugar or any other optional flavor – 1-2 tablespoons of sugar can now be added to this cinnamon tea, depending on the drinker’s taste. If someone with diabetes or overweight is going to drink it, a similar amount of artificial sweetener should be added, instead of sugar. If someone wants it to be more flavorful, they can add a small amount of warm milk to this sweetened cinnamon tea. But instead of milk, obese people can opt for some lemon juices, to avoid the extra calories in milk, while making this tea taste more. The addition of a pinch of powdered black pepper can make this tea even spicier, for those who prefer a spicy taste of tea.

In general, cinnamon tea is a simple form of herbal tea, which is healthy and tasty. Therefore, it is very popular with everyone, young and old, which brings them better health.

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