Can Botox Be Used to Correct Asymmetry in the Jawline?

Botox Be Used to Correct Asymmetry

When most people think of Botox, they immediately picture it erasing dynamic wrinkles—those that appear when a facial muscle contracts, such as frown lines and crow’s feet. But the popular injectable can also be used to reshape a person’s face shape by weakening certain muscles and reducing the size of others. For example, if a woman’s jaw is too wide, it can give her a masculine, square-shaped appearance that many women dislike. Luckily, a new procedure called masseter Botox can help with this issue and reduce a disproportionate jawline for a more feminine look.

Asymmetrical faces are not uncommon and, in fact, there is a certain degree of asymmetry in everyone’s face. Asymmetries can be the result of genetics, the natural aging process, injuries, dental work, or even UV damage to the skin. Asymmetry can be corrected with a variety of cosmetic treatments, including dermal fillers, fat grafting, and surgical lifts. However, these methods are often costly and require significant downtime, which is why Jaw slimming botox has gained popularity as a noninvasive solution for correcting facial asymmetry.

The jawline is an important part of the overall face structure, determining whether a face is round, oval, heart-shaped, or square. It is the first thing people notice about you when they meet you and it is important to be happy with how yours looks. But, as we get older our facial features change and asymmetry can occur, making one side of the face appear larger than the other.

Can Botox Be Used to Correct Asymmetry in the Jawline?

In most cases, a disproportionate jawline is caused by the overdevelopment of the masseter muscles. These are the chewing muscles and over time they can become more pronounced, giving our faces a more masculine, square-shaped appearance. This can be corrected with a simple and quick injection of botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox.

This treatment can be performed in our Philadelphia clinic. We begin by disinfecting the injection area with rubbing alcohol and then, if necessary, applying a numbing cream to the area. Afterwards, we will perform the injections into the jawline by visual assessment or palpating (feeling the muscles). The amount of botulinum toxin that is injected into each side of the jaw varies and depends on your desired results.

During the first week following a jaw slimming Botox treatment, you will begin to see a noticeable difference. This effect typically lasts for about six months before a maintenance session will be needed to maintain your new, improved jawline. If you would like to learn more about how masseter botox can reshape your face and provide a slimmer jawline, contact us today! A board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive expertise in facial procedures can discuss the procedure with you and walk you through your specific options, risks, recovery, and more.

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