Do you have a fat dog?

One of the things that absolutely breaks my heart is fat dogs. When I see a dog walking down the sidewalk with his owner, I know that the owner probably has no idea of ​​the damage they are doing by overfeeding that poor dog.

Oh, it’s so easy to overfeed your dog! I understand, really, I do! He may seem a little hungry, so you give your dog a little more food than you think you should. Oh, and there are always the sad eyes that get when he doesn’t eat, but you do. Some goodies here and there, maybe some before bed.

Aim to STOP! This is exactly how those fat dogs get fat in the first place! This is so avoidable!

Keep in mind that everyone who has ever owned a dog has overfed them at one point or another. And you know what? It’s understandable. Your dog is your best friend and is there for you whenever you need it. You get unconditional love from him and so why wouldn’t you want to treat him in a special way from time to time? And that’s totally acceptable!

The main difference between those with very fat dogs and those with healthy, happy dogs really comes down to one word.


Of course you are going to give your dog occasional treats or a bite of table food! Your dog not only loves it because he is being rewarded by his master, but it also makes you feel great! Everyone wins!

The problem comes with the imbalance.

The only reason fat dogs exist is because their owner overdoes it a bit by giving more dog food than suggested, be it dog food, treats, or table scraps. Now this is what your dog doesn’t need! You may feel like you are doing something great for your dog, but in reality you are not.

You are the one who needs to use self-control so as not to overfeed your dog. I know it’s hard! But there are so many other ways you can give your dog love! Take them for an extra long walk, scratch their bodies up and down, or just sit back, pet them, and enjoy! This is one of the reasons I bet you have a dog in the first place, right?

Here’s one way to tell if you have a fat dog: run your hands over his rib cage, and if you can’t feel your dog’s ribs through his fur, he’s carrying too much extra weight. It has nothing to do with the size of your dog, I have a Saint Bernard and can barely feel his ribs when I pet him. (Hmmm, maybe I could bear to lose a couple of pounds!)

The truth is, dogs are not made to be fat. It will affect your joints, mobility, and cardiovascular system, and you deserve more than that, don’t you?

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