How Long Does a Fentanyl Laced Pill Take to Become Addicted?

Does a Fentanyl Laced Pill

Many people wonder how long does a Fentanyl laced pill take to work? This is a question that should not be asked as the consequences of these drugs are often very severe. When these drugs are used and injected, they cause an elevated level of euphoria and tranquility which make the user feel happy and elated. As a result, they don’t think about the implications of the drug and take the pill without any reservation or consideration. Once the high wears off, the users begin to notice some rather uncomfortable side effects. They have a hard time falling asleep and experience problems in the memory.

The long term effects of Fentanyl Pill are something that should not be taken lightly. The users experience nervousness, restlessness, paranoia, anxiety and even depression. These long-term effects can cause the user to have violent outbursts and they can also lead to unnatural behaviors like having multiple orgasms in a short period of time. These sudden outbursts can also cause the heart to beat too fast and this is a very dangerous issue because it can cause cardiac arrest.

It seems that the long term effects of Fentanyl do not take long at all. However, it takes days or weeks before these effects start to show. Users might start feeling the euphoria and the relaxation and start thinking rationally. But soon enough, the user will find that their perception of reality has been greatly distorted and they start experiencing hallucinations and delusions.

How Long Does a Fentanyl Laced Pill Take to Become Addicted?

The long term effects of Fentanyl also include memory loss, lack of concentration, and a very difficult time sleeping. This might seem ironic, but the long term effects of this drug are exactly what makes it so addictive. Users don’t realize how addictive the drug is and therefore do not treat it as such. Users become completely dependent on it and if they stop using it, they suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms. If they do recover from it, they experience it again within a few months.

The long term effects of Fentanyl are actually very alarming and many scientists believe that it could be fatal in the long term. Fentanyl is fifty times more potent than heroin and users would need a large amount of the drug to achieve an erection. If used continuously for a long period of time, this could lead to respiratory failure, pulmonary failure, and even death. These are all possibilities if the dosage of Fentanyl is not reduced. If this were to happen, death would result. In order to decrease the chances of death, it is highly recommended that users get help from a medical professional.

So, how long does a Fentanyl laced pill take to become addicted? It is hard to say because long-term effects are really unknown. Some may have mild, long term effects while others could have serious health consequences. As long as you do your research and stay away from dealers of this type of drug, you are unlikely to become addicted.

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