Surfboard lighting concept

There just isn’t enough time during the day to surf. Many times the best surfing is at night, how often do you challenge a sunset to catch that last wave? Well skinny you are addicted to surfing and as you may have seen out there you are not alone. There is a killer new technology on the horizon for the dedicated surfer.

We’ve recently seen WiFi surfboards so you can do your mail between sets. This works pretty well and got me excited when I first heard about it. Surfing while surfing makes a lot of sense. I’m still waiting for the mail order as this article is finished, but here’s more about it.

If your ocean becomes your office and your surfboard your desk, what if you decide to work sooner or later? Well, this is why I am going to find out how to run my surfboard laptop, WiFi, and headlamp on electromagnetic energy. As you know, batteries and water don’t mix very well. You say lighthouse; we have a surfboard; come again? Yes, that’s what I said; Now, I’ve already tried that with a flashlight without a battery and duct tape.

The waves provide a good amount of movement. Which is necessary to power the new electromagnetic induction technology flashlights, which charge a capacitor instead of working with a battery. Some nifty micro-flashlights you can buy that use a similar technique are currently in use and are available thanks to the Everlite Flashlight technology research lab. These smaller flashlights work by shaking them for about thirty seconds and they glow for about 6 minutes and are quite bright as they use a very bright LED light. Here is a link to this home use flashlight:

Here’s a quick movie you can watch online to see how this technology works.

I propose we get a really smart entrepreneur who makes surfboards out of some balls to put these flashlights inside the surfboard instead of having to tape the top. We can try it out for them and get some free surfboards. I propose that the front of the surfboard have an automotive style headlight lens with the LED light inside. Think about it now, navigate about it later.

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